Harken Thee, and Hear the Call of Battle
Noble Lords and gentle Ladies. Fearless knights and loathsome monsters. Crafty assassins, courageous warriors, and clever wizards. All are welcome to join us as we meet on the battlefield of Amtgard to defend the Kingdom of Northern Lights and the Barony of Greenwood Keep.
Pick up a sword or a spell ball and take to the field, wielding great powers and martial skills to protect the land from invaders. Join a quest and seek relics and the answers to dark and dangerous questions while dodging bandits and monsters or meeting them head on. Craft mighty weapons, tenacious armor, and exquisite garb for yourself and your comrades in arms to take into the fray. How you join the adventure is your choice. The first step is showing up.
So come to the land of Amtgard. Join the Barony of Greenwood Keep. Step out of the drudgery of daily life for a few hours and walk the path of a hero. We all have stories inside of us waiting to be told. Find out just how epic yours can be.